Hello World it has been awhile since you last heard from me for I have been enjoying work, chocolate and living!
I have a cause for concern however, and therefore writing this post as a means to seek advice so please feel free to offload any home remedies, tried and tested techniques or crazy and wonderful theories.
Since moving to London I have begun to notice that the skin on my face has started to deteriorate. Its by no means hideously horrid, but it has been playing on mind. I have been fortunate and blessed with good skin and have not found acne breakouts a problem. Only of late I have started to notice tiny pimples appearing on my face and I am at a loss as to why, and what I can do differently to stop this.
I cleanse my face every morning with a daily facial wash, and close the pores by splashing cold water. I don't wear powder or foundation and haven't since the age of 16 and do not wear bronzer everyday. Most days I wear eyeliner and mascara and whack on a bright lipstick. Weekends is when I tend to indulge and splash out with a bit more imaginative makeup.
I don't touch my face throughout the day (or if I do, this is extremely limited - I'm more of a hair twizzler than face toucher) and wash my hands after travelling on the underground and throughout the day. What is going on then you hear me scream?!
My conclusion is that I strongly believe that it is the underground commute that is taking its toll on me and my fresh, hydrated Midlands skin. The underground is horridly unclean with dust balls blowing around, mice on the tracks and tonnes and tonnes of people coughing, sneezing and jabbering on. What concerns me even more is that the Londoners skin looks great!
There must be an agony aunt out there somewhere that can help me.
Yours truly from a disheveled Diwa x